You've never seen anything work like the Arctic Blaster.
This amazing product produces super hot, dry steam in only 8-10 minutes. It can thaw out any of your winter freeze up challenges...pipes, sewers, engines, culverts, mobile homes....whatever the need, call on the Arctic Blaster!
Compact, portable, versatile, and so easy to use. It truly is a remarkable tool.
Take advantage of this opportunity to troubleshoot Winter's worst freeze up problems. A propane tank, tiger torch, two gallons of water and the amazing Arctic Blaster...these are all the tools you need to see fast, safe and efficient thawing results.
No electricity needed. No running water. It pays for itself quickly.The Arctic Blaster can thaw many feet of pipe, or a frozen engine, in 20 minutes or less. It can thaw water lines up to 80 feet in length or more, and it's ready to go in 8 to 10 minutes.
How many times do you think you could have used an Arctic Blaster over the past few seasons? Just have a look at this list of uses for the Arctic Blaster.
Think of all the headaches you've had in the past. Avoid more of those headaches this winter. Get a jump on those dropping temperatures by getting an Arctic Blaster in your shop today!